Jobs of Kansai Electric Power Company KEPCO in Lahore
Check out the application process for KEPCO Jobs in Lahore 2022 by apply online. The deadline is October 17, 2022. This position has been posted on Express Jobs. Primary, Middle, Matric, Intermediate, Bachelor, BA,,, DAE, B.E, Others, and BS are the educational requirements for this position. Apply link available End of the post.
New JOBS of Kansai Electric Power Company KEPCO in Lahore 2022
Name of Vacancies
Deputy Manager
Deputy Manager Regulatory Affair
Deputy Manager Transmission Planning
Divisional Account Officer
Revenue Officer
Assistant Auditor
Assistant Accountant
Commercial Affairs Officer
Sub Station Attendant
Assistant Foreman
Line Superintendant
Engineer Mechanical
Engineer Civil
Electronics Engineer
Electrical Engineer
Data Coder
Consumer Care Officer
Telephone Operator
Head Clerk
Store Incharge
Meter Reader
Bill Distributor
Crane Operator
Security Guard
Important instructions
At first, all hiring was done on a contract basis.
After apply online in website Email notification of the exam roll number slip will be sent as soon as the application is submitted. Make a successful email account.
No TA or DA is allowed at the first stage. No legal action shall be taken against the Head Office's reserved right to reject any or all applications without providing a reason.